8 Great Ideas To Avoid Those Boring Zoom Dates

8 Great Ideas To Avoid Those Boring Zoom Dates

8 Min Read

Picnics in the park and romantic beach trips are great in summer, but when winter starts blowing in that biting air, not so much. This is when Zoom date ideas come in handy. Don’t feel like going out into the bracing cold weather? Or simply can’t because a blizzard is keeping you in? We know dating in the winter months can be a challenge, but we’re here to help. 

We have eight Zoom date ideas that can actually keep the romance and excitement alive, even online! Pick your best one for a virtual date that, come rain or shine, will impress…

8 Zoom Date Ideas for Cold Weather

1. Take a virtual city tour

Thanks to virtual city tours, we can go anywhere, without leaving our couches. You can choose to take a walking tour of Paris, or just explore the parts of your backyard you’ve never seen before. And if you and your partner want to see a beautiful faraway city one day, consider this preparation for your travels.

Wherever you choose to go, you and your date can chat along the way and get some travel inspiration for when the summer months roll around again! Taking a virtual city tour together is a great way to spark conversation, do something exciting, and get to know each other better!

2. Check out your favorite museum’s online tour

During the pandemic, many museums started offering virtual visits, so people could continue to enjoy the exhibits from home. And these online tours don’t seem likely to end anytime soon. Culture and convenience?! This makes it one of our best Zoom date ideas to get through the winter months. 

Take a look at your favorite museum’s schedule to see if they have any speakers or panels you’re interested in. If you’re both big history buffs or science fans, then you’ll likely find something that you’re both into. And better yet, you can choose a museum anywhere in the world! 

3. Watch an aquarium cam

A lot of aquariums have cameras set up so people at home can watch the otters play, the sea lions chill, and the sharks circle. Chilling out while oohing and aahing together at these magnificent creatures has the makings of the most chill Zoom date idea ever. 

Make some dinner, grab a glass of wine, and take nature in. You may even catch a camera stream at the right time to see a live show, or check the schedule for feeding and show times, often available on site. If you’re looking for something soothing, you can’t go wrong with an aquarium date for two! 

4. Take on a virtual escape room

Do you both love puzzles but the nearest escape room is further away than you want to go in the cold? Well, the good news is that escape rooms have now gone virtual. If you and your partner love a good game night, this is for you. 

Even better, want to include a few friends? When it comes to escape rooms, the more the merrier, with more minds to take on the challenge. So invite your besties to join and make it a double or triple date event! 

5. Create something together

Art gives you a chance to express yourself and getting artsy with your partner fosters connection and creativity. Whether you choose to create something goofy or work on something stunning, apps like Aggie.io allow two people to work on a painting at the same time. 

Try setting a timer and start painting whatever you feel like for 15 minutes. Then, take a look at your creation together and chat about it. This can be a great ice breaker and a fun way to get to know each other better.

6. Play head to head or on the same team

Thanks to online games, you and your partner can play a game together from wherever you both are in the world. Try building together in an open-world adventure or challenge one another with online board games. 

With so many different options to try out, it’s easy to find something you both love. And a little healthy competition, or team comradery, goes a long way in the romance stakes! 

7. Bring “Nailed It!” home

Are you and your bae not seasoned bakers? Then it’s time to change that! Set up the Zoom call, head to the kitchen, and try a super-hard recipe while hoping for the best. This challenge — similar to Netflix’s hit “Nailed It!” — will prove who’s the most adept in the kitchen and more than likely make you both laugh, a lot! 

Just be sure you each have the ingredients you need. There’re kits specifically made for “Nailed It!” recipes, but they’re not always available. In this case, just find a “Nailed It!” recipe online and go from there. Good luck and here’s hoping neither of you creates anything Nicole Byer would spit out!

8. Send each other your date ideas

This Zoom date idea takes some preparation, but in the end, you’ll have two special dates. Each of you builds two boxes, one for yourself, one for your partner. Fill the boxes with what you need for your date and then mail one box to your partner.

If you want to make dinner together, for example, send all the non-perishable food your date will need to make the same meal you’re making. Then, when the box arrives, set up the Zoom call and cook together. Or if you fancy a date night spent enjoying a hot bubble bath together, send a box with some bubbly soap, flower petals, and a sweet treat to go along with it.

When the box arrives, it’ll be a fun surprise for your partner. Just be sure that they have any extra ingredients they may need that couldn’t go in the box, like any perishable food needed to cook dinner.

Cold weather doesn’t have to be a romance stopper. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or a short, winter fling, platforms like Zoom mean you can still get your date on, even from your couch. And still have a really good time doing it online! 

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