9 Tips for Online Dating in Today’s World

9 Tips for Online Dating in Today’s World

9 Min Read

Online dating in 2023 can be challenging. Unlike days gone by, first interactions often take place on a cellphone and not at the local bar or restaurant. Because of this, knowing how to best present yourself online is becoming more important than ever. 

This might sound a bit daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! By taking on some advice and a few insider tips for online dating, you can set yourself up for a great first impression.

Online dating isn’t reserved for a certain age group. From young adults to senior citizens, anyone can make real, meaningful connections when dating online. So, now’s the time to take your first steps and focus on these tips for meeting people online!

9 Expert Tips For Online Dating You Should Try

1. Read their profile, properly

A person’s profile is the first impression you’ll have of whether they’re a fit for you. And, if you’re going to invest time into another individual, it’s worth paying attention to everything on their profile. So, don’t just look at their photos, but read through the details they’ve laid out too. Often, people become even more attractive after you’ve seen how they’ve presented themselves and the words they’ve used. 

Reading through a profile in full can also help you to spot any potential online dating red flags. This can be a time-saver, as it’ll help you to weed out any bad apples and focus on the potential matches who’re right for you.

2. Try not to get too emotionally involved too soon

Some people fall into a pattern where they never make it past date one. It’s not because things went badly, but it’s because they psyched this person up way too much before meeting them and ended up a little disappointed.

Even if a new match seems great, try to stay level-headed before meeting up with them. You want to fall for them as a person, not just for their profile. So try to keep it cool while remaining open to giving them a fair shot when you meet up IRL.

3. Create an honest profile

It can sometimes be tempting to stretch the truth a little on our profiles to try to look more appealing and to tackle an inner fear of looking flawed. We get that. But, we should all be more forthright in acknowledging that the perfect person doesn’t exist. We all have our quirks and it’s totally okay — and normal — to have a little baggage.

These are the qualities and experiences that make us who we are. When dating, people want to see an accurate and honest portrayal of who you are and what makes you unique. You want to meet someone who is attracted to the real you, so don’t be afraid to put that out there.  

4. Test the waters with social dating

The emergence of social dating has been rapid in recent years. It’s shifted some of the focus of online dating away from meeting a future partner and onto meeting new people. For those just starting on a dating app, social dating can be a great way to test the waters and start making new connections. 

Get started with Zoosk Live, for example. This live streaming platform lets users connect in real-time through interacting with streamers, chatting with other viewers worldwide, and giving gifts. If you’re feeling up to it, you can even try live streaming yourself! Zoosk Live is a great example of a social dating platform that focuses on creating genuine connections, without the pressure of traditional online dating. 

5. Figure out how you feel first

When it comes to someone who has potential, avoid weighing in too heavily with friends and family. Gossiping about the awkward exchanges and what to wear on your date is different, but let YOUR instinct guide you. 

Think about the show Say Yes To The Dress. When a bride brings in her three close friends, they all have opinions but know their place when it comes to the dress evaluation. However, when a bride brings in 15 people, suddenly everyone else’s opinions overpower her own.

Online dating isn’t too dissimilar. It’s possible to get too much input about a match from friends who’ve never even talked to them before. Introduce them to your loved ones when the timing feels right and only when you’ve had time to figure out how you feel.

6. Stay safe

Almost everyone dates online today. It’s become the norm. But the truth of the matter is, the process still involves meeting a stranger that you probably know little about. So, staying safe online is important.

Even if you’re meeting someone who seems sweet and innocent, always let a friend know where you’re going. You can even schedule a check-in text halfway through. It’s just a smart move to get into the habit of doing. 

7. Start with a straightforward first date

Starting with an easy first date is one of our top tips for online dating in 2023. No one wants to be stuck at a long, awkward dinner with a date that doesn’t want to make any conversation. To start with, try something a bit shorter — like going for a coffee or a walk — so that you can duck out if things aren’t going well. But, if you’re a good time, you can always extend the date by grabbing some food afterward!

8. Don’t show all your cards on the first date

This is important for three reasons. For one, it’ll ensure you have plenty to talk about on your second and third dates. It’s also a good rule to put in place to make sure you’re not talking about yourself too much and monopolizing the conversation. 

Someone doesn’t need to know where you work or your home address on a first date, or all the details of your last relationship. Keep things more relaxed and test out the chemistry and connection before getting too personal. 

9. Be open to second chances

When you’re apprehensive about a first date, you might be a little late or find yourself fidgeting during the conversation. It’s also possible you’ll talk too much, or nervously stumble over words. 

Don’t worry about this! It’s completely normal. And, while all of these things may seem like deal-breakers, they don’t have to be. If you have a genuine connection with your date, arrange a second meetup to make things easier for both of you. At that point, they’ll know you’re interested and you’ll both feel more at ease when you’re not meeting up for the very first time. 

Kickstart Your Dating Adventure!

Like with most things, online dating gets easier the more you do it. Yes, sometimes you might match with people who aren’t right for you or experience some dating app fatigue. But, the experience of making real, meaningful connections can make up for all of that!

What’s important is that you practice healthy dating habits, remain patient, and stay positive. Combining this with the above tips for online dating, can really help you to make the most of your dating experience this year!

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