Tired after sex? Know why it happens and how to overcome it

Tired after sex? Know why it happens and how to overcome it

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You may feel exhausted after having sex. Is it normal or should you be concerned? Know why you feel tired after sex and what you can do about it.

Sex can be one of the most physically demanding things you can do while in bed! A lot of couples end up engaging in sexual intercourse after a tiring day at work or at the end of an exhausting week. There’s no doubt it is an activity that can relax the mind and body, but sex can also be tiring for some people. While some couples enjoy cuddling and indulging in post-sex affection such as cuddling and kissing, some may just want to fall asleep! It may happen with one or both partners engaged in the act. What you must know that it is normal, as sexual activity involves the contraction of various muscle groups, leading to physical fatigue. There are a lot of reasons people feel tired after sex, and sometimes it may be due to an underlying health issue.

Why do women get tired after sex?

Whether women get an orgasm or not, they are more likely than men to feel tired and fall asleep after sex, as per research published in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences in 2020. “Lack of energy after sex is quite normal,” says psychiatrist Dr Ashish Bansal. You may feel tired after sex due to the following reasons:

A woman tired after sex
Feeling tired after sex may be due to exertion. Image courtesy: Freepik

1. Hormonal factors

Oxytocin hormone gets elevated as a result of sexual intercourse, according to the American Psychological Association. “Oxytocin and prolactin are two hormones that get released while having sex, and are responsible for promoting relaxation and sleepiness,” says Dr Bansal. Fluctuations in estrogen and testosterone can also affect energy levels.

2. Physical exertion

Sexual activity may be considered an exercise, as a sex session lasting an average of 25 minutes, including foreplay, burned an average of 69 calories in women, as per a 2013 study published in Plos One. So, if you get involved in a rigorous or long session of sexual activity, it can leave you drained out just like after working out.

3. Stress relief

There are people who use sexual activities as a way to unwind and relax. “The muscles in the body may lose tension and you may get relief from stress after sex,” says the expert.

4. Lack of sleep

If you did not get enough sleep, any other physical activity, including sex, will make you feel more exhausted. You can blame poor quality or lack of sleep for feeling tired after sex.

5. Low blood sugar

Sex entails exertion and so, it can cause dehydration and low blood sugar, especially if you didn’t take water or food hours before sex. This can lead to tiredness or even dizziness after sex.

6. Underlying health conditions

“Anemia, and thyroid disorders can impact energy levels and contribute to post-sex fatigue,” says Dr Bansal. In case of anemia, it prevents the body from getting enough oxygen-rich blood, making a person feel tired. As for thyroid disorder, an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause fatigue.

When to be concerned?

While feeling tired after sex is normal, certain signs may indicate a more serious issue:

  • If you experience extreme fatigue that lasts for hours or even days after sex, it could suggest an underlying condition like anemia or thyroid dysfunction.
  • If tiredness is accompanied by pelvic pain, back pain or headaches or other symptoms like nausea, dizziness, or shortness of breath, it may be worth discussing with a doctor.
  • A sudden change in sex drive or sexual response, combined with fatigue, could indicate hormonal imbalances or mental health issues like depression or anxiety.

What are the ways to overcome post-sex exhaustion?

Here are ways to help overcome post-sex exhaustion:

1. Hydration

Sex is like exercising, so you will sweat, and get tired. Your body loses fluids during sex, so taking water before and after a sexual activity will replenish the lost fluids and energy. “Drinking water also assists in the flow of blood which may help alleviate dizziness or tiredness,” says the expert.

Tired after sex
Stay hydrated to avoid getting tired after sex. Image courtesy: Freepik

2. Have a balanced diet

The kind of foods you eat is connected to your energy levels. Taking proteins, fats and carbohydrates will help to boost energy after sex. Take small meals containing carbohydrates and proteins before having sex to ensure that you do not feel sleepy or tired after sex.

3. Get adequate sleep

You may need seven or nine hours of good quality of sleep every night. Good quality of sleep can enable your body to recover well from the physical activities, including sex. If your body is well rested, you will not feel drained after sex.

4. Take turns during sex

Sexual activities can be tiring, so you should not overstress yourself. Follow your body’s signals and avoid overworking yourself in order to avoid feeling exhausted after sex. “Resting, changing positions or even slowing down can help in controlling energy consumption,” says the expert.

5. Go for relaxation techniques

Deep breathing, meditation or gentle stretching can be used to calm your body and mind after sex. Relaxation techniques can help in letting go of the tension and can assist in changing the physical state of your body from a state of arousal to relaxation.

6. Communicate with your partner

Open communication with your partner about your energy levels and preferences can help ensure that sex is enjoyable and not overly exhausting. “Discussing the pace, and duration apart from comfort levels can prevent overexertion after sex,” says Dr Bansal.

7. Focus on foreplay

Spending more time on foreplay rather than jumping straight into intercourse can help build intimacy while allowing your body to gradually warm up. This approach can prevent sudden spikes in physical exertion, making the overall experience less tiring.

8. Take medicines

If you experience fatigue after sex due to anemia or thyroid disorders, take medicines for these conditions. But have them only after checking with your doctor. Also, if you are taking medications that might contribute to fatigue, discuss their potential side effects with your doctor.

Feeling tired after sex is usually a natural response of the body. You should stay hydrated and discuss with your partner about the duration and pace to avoid feeling tired after sex. But if the tiredness feels excessive or unusual, check with your doctor.

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