What To Say To A Girl To Break The Ice And Get To Know Her

What To Say To A Girl To Break The Ice And Get To Know Her

7 Min Read

Ever wondered what to say to a girl you like? You’re not alone. It’s natural to feel nervous when you’re meeting someone for the first time. Especially if there’s a romantic interest there. Do you go for a sweet opening line? Or are you more tempted to go down the cheeky and funny route? 

Whatever your preferred approach is, keeping the vibe fun and interesting by asking her questions and sharing your own experiences will help to keep the conversation flowing. Feeling lost for words? Take a deep breath and remember, you’ve got this! Below, we’ve put together some tips and tricks for what to say to a girl to break the ice.

What to Say to a Girl: The Basics

Ask questions

Get the convo flowing by asking her thoughtful questions. You’ll get to know her better and your interest in her answers will make her feel special. Use open-ended questions to get her talking while avoiding those awkward silences we’ve all come to dread. Rather than feeling under pressure to impress your crush, shift your attention to listening to her answers. 

Need inspiration? From thoughtful to funny, we’ve got you covered with this list of go-to questions.

  • What’s your best memory?
  • Where’s your favorite place to travel to?
  • If you had three wishes, what would they be?
  • Do you have a celebrity crush?
  • What’s your go-to weekend activity?
  • Read any good books lately?
  • What’s your favorite movie and why?
  • What was the highlight of your week?
  • Do you enjoy spending time outdoors?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?
  • Can you describe yourself in three words?
  • What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life?

Compliment her

If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know what to say to a girl, try giving complimenting her. Rather than using a cheesy pickup line, make your compliment authentic. Try telling her she has a great sense of humor or that you enjoy her taste in music. 

Focusing on her positive qualities rather than her body will show that you care about her as a person. Saying that she’s smart and funny is sure to get you plenty of brownie points.

Ask her advice

Let her know that her opinion matters to you by asking for her advice. Pick a light-hearted topic that you think she’ll know about. You’ll make her feel important while learning something new. Find out where the best restaurant in the area is and why she loves it. Another go-to topic that will get the conversation going is asking for her advice on what birthday present to buy for one of your family members.

Share your experience

Asking questions and paying attention to what she has to say is important. But conversations are a two-way street so tell her about your own experiences too. Opening up about your life will deepen your connection and hopefully lead to a second date. 

Just remember to keep the conversation positive and lighthearted. Droning on about your last heartbreak is sure to kill the mood and spark that existed between you both. Talking about your greatest passions is a great go-to if you’re wondering what to say to a girl.

Have a sense of humor

Break the ice by making your date laugh. You’ll both feel more relaxed and less awkward after a giggle. But, it’s common to wonder what to say to make a girl laugh. The key is to keep things natural. If you have a good sense of humor, try telling a joke. Even if it’s a silly joke, you’re sure to make her smile. 

When thinking about what to say to a girl, keep in mind that offensive jokes aren’t funny and could even end up ruining your date. If all else fails, know when to laugh at yourself. Not taking yourself too seriously is an attractive quality that she’s sure to appreciate.

Talk about activities you both enjoy

So, you’re getting to know her better and you find out that you share common interests. This is your chance to chat about things that you could enjoy doing together. You’ll show her that you’re a fun person to be around while simultaneously landing a second date. Finding out what she’s into will make it easy to plan a second date that she won’t want to refuse. 

Keep it short

If you’re meeting someone for the first time, plan to go for a coffee or a drink. A quick date takes the pressure off and allows you to naturally hang out for longer if you’re both 

enjoying yourself. Rather than dragging your first meeting out, you’ll leave her wanting more. If you both had fun, send her a text the next day and ask her out on a second date.

Be Bold, Be Brave, and Enjoy!

Even if you don’t know what to say to a girl you like, take the first step to break the ice and go on a first date. It’s worth it! And remember, she’s probably feeling those first date nerves just as much as you are. Focus on getting to know her better and everything else will fall into place.

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