The Christian Connection Guide To Meeting Online As A Mature Dater

The Christian Connection Guide To Meeting Online As A Mature Dater

9 Min Read

One question the Christian Connection team is often asked is: “I’m an older person. Is online dating really for me?” The answer to that is a resounding yes! More and more mature daters are getting online to connect with potential new partners, using technology to make lasting connections. If you’re thinking about trying out online dating at a later stage of your life, you’re not alone, and we’re here to help.

Older daters are not only welcome on Christian Connection, they’re a vital part of our community, bringing valuable experience and unique perspectives to their dating journeys. And it’s certainly never too late to find love – as the age at which people marry continues to rise overall, reports show that marriage rates for the over 60s have been increasing too and we’ve heard from couples meeting on Christian Connection in their eighties!

Here are our top five online dating tips for mature daters, including some advice from older couples who found each other on Christian Connection.

Don’t be daunted by technology

Even for confirmed technophobes, creating a profile on Christian Connection is simple to do. We have apps for iPhone or Android as well as our website at, so it’s never been easier to find love online.

Christine and Richard's wedding - The Christian Connection guide to meeting online as a mature dater

Christine and Richard

When you sign up, we’ll ask you for some basic information to start with. Don’t worry about perfecting your profile right away, as you can always update this later. Read some of our top tips on creating your profile here. Add a favourite recent photo of yourself that you feel represents you well – it can be helpful to ask for a second opinion from someone you trust or even ask them to take a pic or two – and you’re ready to go! Read our advice on what makes a great photo here.

Many of our members of all ages let us know how online dating has led them to partners they would otherwise never have met, and helped them keep in touch while apart. Although Christine and Richard met during the pandemic, their relationship flourished online during lockdowns. As Richard says: “We are both in our early seventies so it proves that this site can be suitable for every age group.” Read Christine and Richard’s story here.

Share your unique story

Gillian and John's wedding - The Christian Connection guide to meeting online as a mature dater

Gillian and John

Everyone has a story to tell, and those dating later in life often have a wealth of experiences and wisdom to share. On Christian Connection our profiles allow plenty of space for you to let everyone know what makes you unique!

Couples who met on Christian Connection often tell us that what their partner wrote about themselves drew their attention. When John met Gillian, her profile caught his eye: “In it she had shared what seemed to be a very full, active and interesting life. What, however, impacted me most was her commitment to Christ and her involvement in Christian ministry.” Read Gillian and John’s story here.

Online dating platforms like Christian Connection offer a safe and supportive environment to be yourself when finding a partner. Take the time to create a genuine profile that reflects your personality, interests, and faith, and you’re sure to find common ground. Read more about why you can trust Christian Connection here.

Be brave and reach out to others

The Christian Connection guide to meeting online as a mature dater - Moira and William's wedding

Moira and William

When it comes to online dating, there are no rules about who should message first! If you spot someone you think you’d like to get to know, there are several simple ways you can make contact. You can ‘wave’ at their profile, ‘like’ them, or post a ‘reaction’ to something they’ve written or a photo. (Read about how ‘reactions’ work here.) Or (best of all) send a message and say hello!

There’s no need to be nervous about contacting someone new. A short message mentioning something you liked about the other person’s profile or asking a friendly question is all you need. Read our guide to writing great messages here.

Just before Moira met William on Christian Connection, she was almost ready to close her account. Sending one more wave changed everything! “Something made me scroll one last time to look at photographs of individuals new to the site. That was when I first saw William… and felt instantly that he was a person I could relate to so I waved immediately.” Read Moira and William’s story here.

Take all the time you need

Anna and Richard - The Christian Connection guide to meeting online as a mature dater

Anna and Richard

Finding love can’t be rushed! Take the time to get to know your potential partner and allow the relationship to develop naturally as you become comfortable with each other. Christian Connection subscribers can chat via our online mailbox for as long as feels comfortable, or even have a video call via the site.

Our members Anna and Richard weren’t able to meet for 6 weeks after they met on Christian Connection, due to distance (and a cyclone!) but Anna shares how they stayed connected and built their friendship in that time: “We found we were very much on the same spiritual wavelength, and shared interests in other areas as well. We continued to build friendship, mostly by phone, and taking turns travelling to spend time together.” Read Anna and Richard’s story here.

There’s no set time frame when it comes to online dating, but when you feel ready to meet, set a date somewhere you’re both comfortable with and take the plunge! We have lots of date ideas to help you have a fun and memorable time.

Embrace the unexpected, and keep the faith.

Online dating in later life can feel like starting a brand new adventure, and as with any adventure there may be unexpected twists and turns. On Christian Connection, we think the best approach is to leave yourself open to being surprised.

That may mean connecting with someone who lives further away than is ideal, as in Anna and Richard’s story. It might mean connecting with someone who has different hobbies or interests, and finding out you enjoy them too. It might even mean making changes to your life that you never thought possible.

Jeannie and Martin - The Christian Connection guide to meeting online as a mature dater

Jeannie and Martin

When Jeannie and Martin connected, they started a whirlwind romance that included international flights and eight-hour car journeys! After they married, they found an even bigger adventure lay in store for them: “Being in our 60s, we joked that had we met earlier we might have had children and brought them up perfectly. Well, God has a sense of humour: three years later, we now have three children! …foster children (something neither of us had ever contemplated). Three boys help to keep us young, with no fear of getting bored during our retirement. So persevere: you never know what God may have in store for you…” Read Jeannie and Martin’s story here.

We think Jeannie and Martin said it perfectly. It’s never too late to start something new, and it’s never too late to find love. Being an older dater can change everything. Why not find out if Christian Connection could open the door to your next big adventure?

What advice would you give an older or mature dater?

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