The Secrets On How To Make A Really Good Dating Profile

The Secrets On How To Make A Really Good Dating Profile

6 Min Read

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of putting yourself out there? Don’t despair, we’re here to help! All the effort that you put into creating a good dating profile will be worth it when you start to attract the right people. Here are our top tips to get you started. 

The Basics: How To Make A Good Dating Profile

Take great photos

Grab the attention of the partner that you want by adding great photos to your dating profile. Travel photos and images that show you enjoying fun activities will get you noticed. An authentic smile goes a long way towards attracting the right person.

If you don’t have awesome dating photos already, ask your friends and family to help you out. Next time you’re enjoying yourself with your bestie, get a snapshot of the festivities and include it in your profile. Go through your photos and make sure that you only select the best ones. Blurry images and photos of you in bed are definite no-gos.

Get a second opinion

Unsure about your dating profile? Ask your friends to take a look at it. Their feedback will give your profile the boost that it needs to make a great first impression on the people who read it. 

If you’re feeling stuck and can’t think of anything to write, ask your friends what they love most about you. Use their suggestions as inspiration to create an authentic profile that captures your best attributes.

Be honest

You’re much more likely to hit it off with someone when you have things in common with them. Avoid matching with the wrong people by being honest about who you are. 

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship so don’t get off to the wrong start by lying on your dating profile. A profile that comes across as genuine is more likely to lead to a connection with the right person.

Be concise

A good dating profile gets straight to the point. Include interesting information that distinguishes you from everyone else and leave out unnecessary details. Information that reveals who you are and what you enjoy in life makes you more attractive to potential partners.

 Research shows that using simple language, with a touch of humor, is likely to get the best results. Humor creates a sense of intimacy and makes the person reading your profile feel more relaxed about chatting to you.

 Focus on the positive

Ditch the negative comments and cynical remarks. Pointing out what you don’t want in a partner makes you come across as bitter and decreases the appeal of your dating profile. The people reading your profile are likely to think that you’re guilty of the negative traits that you’re complaining about. 

Rather than focusing on people’s flaws, include a few sentences explaining what you’re looking for in a partner. While including a general idea of what you want is helpful, don’t refer to specific characteristics, like their height or weight.

 Check for spelling mistakes

Your dating profile is all that people have to go on before they meet you face-to-face. The cues that they pick up from your writing style have a big impact on whether they see you as a potential romantic partner or not.

It has been proven by research that spelling mistakes make you seem less attractive and decrease your chances of meeting the right person. These errors have a negative impact on how people perceive your intelligence and attentiveness.

Most importantly, have fun!

While dating has its ups and downs, it’s also fun! Get creative and have fun making your dating profile so that people will enjoy reading it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break and come back to it when you’re relaxed. Go for a run, make yourself a cup of tea or phone your bestie to let off some steam before you sit down to start writing. 

A positive mindset makes it easier to write a good dating profile. Imagine that you’re meeting your partner for the first time and let your enthusiasm shine through as you tell them more about yourself. If you’re feeling excited, it’s more likely that people will be eager to get in touch with you.

Take the time to create a good dating profile that stands out from the crowd. Need more inspiration? You can always look at examples online, and edit the ideas to make  it your own! Don’t be scared to experiment and enjoy where the process takes you!

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