Do Older Women Masturbate: The Golden Age Of Pleasure

Do Older Women Masturbate: The Golden Age Of Pleasure

15 Min Read

Masturbation is a feel-good journey for everyone. Think of it as your personal happy hour, with orgasm bringing a potent cocktail of happy chemicals. But here’s the burning question: do older women still get in on this solo practice? Or does the spark of pleasure dim as the candles on the birthday cake multiply? It seems like no one’s really talking about what’s going on with the over-50 crowd in the bedroom—or in their own company, for that matter. It’s time to get real about what older women want and do behind closed doors. After all, pleasure doesn’t have an expiration date, and masturbation isn’t just an activity for the young and restless. So, let’s learn how often mature women are turning up the heat on their own and the cool perks they’re getting from it.

Do mature women masturbate?

Yes, mature women masturbate, despite ageist stereotypes that women, specifically older women, age out of pleasure.

Research backs this up with solid data. A 2007 study by the University of Chicago explored the sex lives of over 3,000 Americans aged 57 to 85. The study revealed that within the past year, 25% of older women in relationships had masturbated, and 23% of single older women had masturbated. So, despite relationship status, many older women seem to be embracing the golden years of pleasure.

In another 2010 survey by Indiana University Center for Sexual Health Promotion, 2,523 women between 18 to 92 years of age were asked about their sexual habits. The results showed that 40% of women between 50 and 59 years old, 33% of women between 60 to 69, and 16% of women between 70 and 79 had engaged in masturbation within the past three months.

And yet another 2010 study done by Indiana University asked 5,865 Americans aged 14 to 94 about their intimate lives. Among women aged 50 and older, 47% reported masturbating in the past year. As age increases, the numbers gradually decline, but they still depict strong and enduring sexual activity among mature women:

  • Women aged 50 to 59: 28% masturbated in the last month, 54% in the past year, and 77% at some point in their lifetime.
  • Women aged 60 to 69: 22% masturbated in the last month, 46.5% in the past year, and 72% at some point in their lifetime.
  • Women aged 70 or older: 12% masturbated in the last month, nearly 33% in the past year, and 58.3% at some point in their lifetime.

These studies not only confirm that mature women are sexually active but also emphasize that masturbation remains an essential part of their sexual expression. These statistics prove that self-pleasure – it seems – is like a fine wine, it gets more refined with age.

How often do older women masturbate

How often older women masturbate depends on many factors, but that’s no different from anything pleasure-related – different strokes for different folks. There does seem to be a trend involving age according to a comprehensive 2010 study. Masturbation habits among mature women range from occasional to multiple times a week.

Women ages 50-59

39% of women ages 50-59 reported masturbating a few times a year to once a month. Around 14% self-pleasured a few times a month to once a week. And 2.6% reported self-pleasuring 2 or 3 times a week. While a small amount, 0.7% exceed this frequency, masturbating more than four times a week!

Women ages 60-69

36% of women ages 60-69 masturbate occasionally to once a month. Approximately 10% masturbate several times a month to once a week. And a small percentage (0.3%) indulge in self-pleasure 2 or 3 times a week, with an equal percentage masturbating more than four times a week.

Women 70+

26% of women 70 and older masturbate a few times a year to once a month—a smaller percentage (4.8%) self-pleasure several times per month to once a week. Although no one reported masturbating 2 or 3 times a week like the other age groups, an intriguing 0.5% reported masturbating more than four times a week!

While this trend shows that as women age the percentage and frequency of masturbation decreases, it’s worth noting that within each age group, there are women who maintain a healthy and consistent sexual relationship with themselves.

Why should senior women masturbate

While everyone has different ideas about masturbation, it’s important to recognize that it’s a normal and healthy part of any person’s sex life. Let’s discuss the benefits of senior women embracing self-pleasure.

Improves vaginal health

Regular masturbation can improve blood flow to the genital area, which can be beneficial for women experiencing changes from hormone fluctuations or reduced sexual activity as they age. As women age, estrogen declines (we’re all familiar with menopause) causing vaginal tissue to become less elastic. In the case of vaginal health, it’s a use it or lose it situation as you age. Think of masturbation like a healing massage, promoting long-term vaginal tissue health. It’s especially relevant for conditions like vaginal atrophy, offering pleasure and progressive improvement in muscle function and tone.

Increases sex drive

Masturbation can be a self-reinforcing activity that boosts sexual desire over time, which is particularly helpful for senior women who experience hormonal changes and decreased blood flow. When arousal and orgasm become less frequent, it can be challenging to feel desire and excitement. By regularly taking time to masturbate, women can enhance their responsiveness to sexual stimuli, fueling a cycle of increasing desire and making it easier to reach orgasm.

Boosts mental well-being

Masturbation is more than just a physical act. It’s about fully immersing yourself in sensations, pleasure, and the journey to climax. Masturbation can help you clear your mind, reduce anxiety, and boost mental health. During orgasm, the brain releases a cocktail of happy chemicals, dopamine and oxytocin, which promote happiness and relaxation while reducing cortisol, the stress hormone. This practice helps reduce stress, enhances mood, and improves sleep. What’s not to love?!

Provides pain relief

Masturbation can help relieve pain, so instead of popping an aspirin for those little aches, try masturbation. When you have an orgasm, your body releases endorphins that act as natural painkillers, reducing discomfort. With gentle movements that suit your comfort level, masturbation can be a therapeutic way to manage mild pain and find comfort in your body’s aging changes.

Improves pelvic floor function

Regular masturbation can help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. The rhythmic contractions during orgasm act as a workout for your pelvic floor muscles, improving their tone and endurance. This can help prevent urinary incontinence and enhance sexual function. Plus, stronger pelvic muscles can lead to increased sexual sensation for even a more satisfying sex life.

Promotes healthy self-pleasure habits

For women who are single, divorced, or widowed, masturbation provides a way to experience sexual pleasure and intimacy without a partner. This is especially important for older women, who often outlive their male counterparts and may not have a partner. Engaging in this personal activity allows women to safely explore their sexuality without the risks of sexually transmitted infections.

Encourages body awareness

Many women aren’t familiar with their anatomy and have trouble identifying their own pleasure anatomy. Exploring your body through touch can boost knowledge, self-image, and overall well-being. Take the clitoris, for instance. It’s a pleasure organ packed with nerve fibers and plays a major role in masturbation. It’s a pleasure point that some older women, along with other erogenous areas, may not be very acquainted with.

Strengthens body confidence

According to a study, only 12% of women over 50 are happy with their bodies. After menopause, some women feel relieved about not having to worry about periods or pregnancy anymore. In contrast, others may feel a loss in womanhood and worry about not being seen as sexy. These societal pressures can affect self-image over time. While masturbation can’t eliminate all these pressures, it can be a great activity to reconnect with your body, help boost self-esteem, and body confidence. When you know your body, you can love your body.

Enriches partnered sex

Masturbation can enhance partnered sex by helping you figure out what you like and increasing the desire for it. Research shows women who engaged in solo masturbation had more sex and desired more partnered sex than those who didn’t masturbate. Understanding what positions and stimulation you enjoy during solo sex can make it easier to reach orgasm with a partner. By exploring your preferences through masturbation, you can better communicate your needs to your partner.

Helps you orgasms

Needless to say, masturbation can help with reaching orgasm. Regardless of age, most women need a combination of stimulation, clitoral, and vaginal, to orgasm. Masturbation helps you discover what gets you off and how you reach orgasm.

Enhances natural lubrication

Menopausal and postmenopausal women often deal with vaginal dryness because of hormonal changes. This can be uncomfortable and painful, affecting mood and intimacy. The great news is that regular masturbation, whether done manually or with the assistance of a vibrator, increases blood flow, reduces vaginal dryness, and promotes natural lubrication. For older women, masturbation is not only enjoyable but also practical.

How do older women masturbate

Every woman will have a different answer to how they masturbate. However, as women age, they might experience changes in sexual function and desires. Challenges like difficulty with natural lubrication, reaching climax, pain during intercourse, and physical limitations such as arthritis or reduced mobility can make masturbation more challenging, so older women may need to adapt It’s or use additional support for sexual satisfaction.

Luckily, there are many existing adaptive tools and methods available for older women to maintain healthy solo practices such as ergonomically designed sex toys, sex pillows, personal lubricants and medical vibrators. These tools can be particularly beneficial in addressing vaginal dryness, enhancing sensation, lubrication, and reaching orgasm. Additionally, trying out different masturbation positions can help you find the ones that work best with your anatomy and any physical limitations.

Unlike manual stimulation, vibrators can provide customized pleasure without getting tired like a hand or partner. Vibrators can be an older woman’s best friend if they are dealing with arousal issues, vaginal dryness or find sex painful. If you prefer external stimulation, the vulva vibrator Legato can help boost blood flow and arousal while alleviating vaginal dryness all without penetration.

If you are experiencing pelvic pain or painful sex, you may want to give Crescendo 2 a shot. The doctor-recommended Crescendo 2 is clinically proven to reduce pelvic pain and painful sex with its medically optimized vibrations and bendable design that mimics human fingers and adapts to your body for precise stimulation.

Masturbation is a personal and diverse experience for every woman. The key is to prioritize what feels good and comfortable for you. If you’re looking for guidance, OMGYes is an educational platform that offers videos and tutorials on masturbation and sexual pleasure for women. It helps women understand their bodies, express their desires, and enhance intimacy in relationships. Supported by research from the Kinsey Institute and Yale University, OMGYes provides a judgment-free space for women to explore their sexuality confidently. Remember, it’s never too late to start discovering yourself!


So, do older women masturbate? Absolutely! The numbers don’t lie. And if you’re not already doing it, you should consider indulging in this ultra-pleasurable pastime. Embracing self-pleasure isn’t just about personal enjoyment; there are countless benefits, such as stress relief, improved intimacy, and enhanced pelvic function. While there may be some challenges like pelvic pain, decreased natural lubrication or other age-related changes, solutions exist like clinically proven medical vibrators for women, ensuring that the pleasure remains accessible no matter the age or circumstance. So, let’s toss aside the outdated notions that sexuality dims with age. Instead, let’s celebrate and acknowledge every woman in her golden age of pleasure.


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