How to Spot Fake Dating Profiles

How to Spot Fake Dating Profiles

11 Min Read

Online dating has become one of the go-to methods to meet someone in today’s fast-paced society. But it isn’t without its difficulties! If you’re searching for love online, chances are you’ve come across a few fake dating profiles. Or do you find it tricky to spot them?

To help you tell a real person from a phony, we’ve put together some of the signs and red flags to watch out for. That way you can say goodbye to time wasters and only focus on genuine connections, ones that have potential. 

What Do Fake Profiles Want?

You may be aware that fake dating profiles exist, but have you ever thought about what they want? There are a number of answers to that, and none of them are good for the intended target. Here are a few of the most common motives for making fake profiles. 

Frauds and Scams 

One of the most common reasons that people make fake profiles is to scam targets out of money. The objective here is to establish a connection with a legitimate user. Depending on the patience level of the scammer, it may take a few days or even weeks to establish an online relationship with the victim. Eventually, they will make their move, claiming to be in a dire situation or in need of a relatively smaller amount of money to “free up” a much larger sum. 

For instance, the scammer might claim to have an inheritance tied up in probate, but it can be freed up if they can get enough money to pay the attorney in advance. Or they could ask for a few hundred dollars to turn their phone on. 


This type of scam works particularly well with married individuals or people whose sexual orientation is partially closeted. After establishing a connection, the blackmailer will threaten to expose their victim’s secrets unless they receive payment in some form. 

Spying on an Ex

This is a form of cyberstalking in which the scammer learns that their ex or even just a person known to them is on a particular dating site. They create fake profiles to engage with their unknowing victim. This information facilitates their stalking activities. 


The scammer creates a profile that has false information, photos, or both to encourage potential prospects to match with them and meet. The hope is that the target will forgive the deception and give them a shot as a romantic partner. 

Loyalty Testing

Most sites don’t allow you to view dating profiles unless you register. Some individuals create fake accounts to find out if their significant other is on the dating site. 

While these common scams range from unethical to criminal, it’s important to remember that meeting someone who has created a fake profile is potentially dangerous. That’s why it’s important to be able to spot a fake when you see one.

How To Spot Fake Dating Profiles

Unfortunately, fake profilers are constantly refining their techniques, making fake profiles more and more difficult to spot. However, with a little diligence and practice, you can make yourself significantly tougher to fool. Here are some of the ways that you can spot a phony profile. 

There’s a limited number of photos on their profile

Because real members frequently report fake profiles, it’s necessary for fraudsters to create new sham profiles. This can be incredibly time-consuming, and they often limit their efforts to posting only one or two photos. While a limited number of photos on someone’s dating profile doesn’t automatically prove that you’re falling for fraud, it’s definitely a red flag.

Everyone knows that their profile photos will be the first thing that catches someone’s attention, and choosing the perfect pictures can be tricky! That’s why fake dating profiles aim to use attractive photos to lure you in. But how do you know if that photo is really of them?

As a rule of thumb, fake dating profile pictures contain less pictures vs real profiles, which typically contain more photos and are less likely to be a scam. But if you’re feeling unsure about the identity of who you’re speaking to, ask them to send you another photo. Maybe even request a photo of them doing something specific, such as holding up a piece of paper with their name on it, so you know they can’t have gotten this online. Or why not ask them to video chat? 

Common excuses include claiming that they’re camera shy, that their phone is broken, or feigning indignation over you not wanting to get to know “the real them.”

Their profile isn’t linked to any social media accounts 

Almost all online dating profiles are linked to a few social media accounts. So if someone is unwilling to connect on any other platform, it’s a little fishy. If you realize that there is no way for you to verify that the person who you’re talking to is real, then that’s a red flag that they might not be.

Sure, maybe they just want to keep their social media accounts private. But if you ask to connect on Instagram or Facebook and they continually refuse,  then maybe they’re hiding something. If you’re really invested in this connection, be honest with them about how this is making you question them. And if they still refuse? We suggest pursuing another match, one that is excited to get to know you. 

They won’t reveal anything about themselves

There’s nothing better than chatting with a potential match who seems genuinely interested in you. However, if you feel that this attention is only coming your way because your match doesn’t want to reveal anything about themselves, then you could be in a pickle.

If you realize that the person you’re talking to doesn’t seem to answer any questions about themselves, re-evaluate why that is. Oftentimes these fake dating profiles will shift the conversation to manipulating their target. Don’t fall prey to someone giving you the attention you deserve. 

Instead, direct the question right back at them and make sure you receive a response that you’re comfortable with. The last thing anyone wants is to tell someone their whole life story to find out that they were talking to a complete fake. Even worse? Some fake dating profiles don’t just try to scam you of your secrets, but of your money too.

Fake dating profiles love making excuses

Catfish are notorious for standing people up. Is your online crush constantly making excuses as to why they can’t meet in person? Or maybe they keep declining your video calls? If you’re looking to take this relationship into the real world, then this isn’t the response you should be looking for.

Sure, meeting in person for the first time can be nerve-wracking. But if you feel that their crazy excuses and rescheduling are less to do with first-date butterflies and more to do with their revealing true identity, you should probably take a step back. 

Their profile says they’re local, but they’re not

One of the ways that frauds will prolong contact without meeting is by claiming that they will eventually be moving to your area. This helps them avoid meeting face-to-face and also sets up a scenario where they need money to help them visit or move to your area. If someone is claiming to be moving soon, make them provide the specifics: when they’re moving, where they plan on living, what they will do for income, what made them decide to relocate, etc. If anything sounds artificial or they can’t answer these basic questions, maybe it’s better to move on to someone who is claiming to be more ready to meet locally. 

They’re love-bombing you

Some fake profilers will try to push the pace of the interaction by “love-bombing” their targets. They may act like they’re falling for you within the first few messages just to move to the next phase of the fraud. Even if the person is sincere in their intentions, this forced relationship-building is uncomfortable for many people. Whether it’s a fraudulent account or not, it may be in your best interest to entertain other options. 

What are the Signs of a Fake Dating Profile?

Here’s a little checklist to help you quickly spot a fake profile:

It’s important to note that each of these may have a legitimate explanation. However, if you notice two or more of these red flags, proceed with caution. 

Dating Can Be Challenging, But Don’t Give Up!

While online dating may have simplified your search for love, it doesn’t mean it’s always going to be easy – dating never is! But the truth is that most people who date online are doing so with good intentions. So take note of our basic guidelines and most of all have fun! 

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