Is Your Sex Life Merely Chug Chug Chugging Along?

Is Your Sex Life Merely Chug Chug Chugging Along?

4 Min Read

Are you sex-stuck? Yup, I just made that up. But please, feel free – make it a hashtag. You know you wanna.

Here’s what I’m really asking:   is your sex life yawn-inducing? Same ol’ same ol’? BOR-ING??!! Don’t worry – we’ve got you.

If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, sex can be deprioritized for a number of reasons: work demands, household chores, pets, kids, illness, fatigue – all of these can knock sex down a few (or several) notches. This is normal. However, if sex is important to you and your partner, you don’t have to take this lying down! Well, actually…

Another reason why your sex life may have fallen to the wayside is a lack of interest, meaning your libido, or your partner’s, isn’t what it used to be. This may be due to a hormone imbalance (someone say Low Testosterone? This sex hormone is important for both of your sex drives!).

The problem is (and this is a problem we all want to have), there are so many potential and varied solutions! The most important thing to remember is novelty. Sex is naturally ignited by the introduction of something new. So, it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, a surgically- altered body part, or a trek to a faraway land.

Here are just a few suggestions that can help you kick off some spicy ideas:

  • Change of Scenery. Get OUT of the bed or off the couch or wherever you typically engage. Shower, car, backyard tent, pantry, hotel room, anyone?
  • Toys – vibes, rabbits, apps, butt plugs, cock rings, edible lube – so many choices, so little time. Check out our top picks!
  • Music, Lighting, Temperature, Fabric – pay attention to ambiance and comfort because it really does matter.
  • Verbal Communication – sure, the “talk dirty to me” kind. But also, share your preferences, desires as well as the things you don’t want or like (especially if you’ve just been tolerating them all these many years).
  • Porn – but please make it ethical (in which everyone’s pleasure is considered and attended to, and no one is marginalized nor harmed).
  • Erotica – whether you read it or listen to it – wow, can it ever be a scorcher!

And don’t forget the hormones! You should both have them checked out. Low libido and menopause can wreak havoc on your relationship and your life. Symptoms that many women experience in menopause and peri-menopause (the months or years leading up to menopause) often include poor sleep, lack of energy, depression and painful intercourse, all of which can detract from a satisfying sex life. For your male partner, suggest he have his testosterone levels checked, as TRT can dramatically improve libido, energy levels, concentration, and various types of sexual dysfunction, like ED.

If you or your partner need help with your libido, contact us for a free phone consultation. One of our sexual health experts will help put you on the path to a new, emboldened and satisfying sex life!

Read our related blog: Spice It Up: It’s All About the Novelty

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