Looking For The Perfect Headline For Dating Site? 200+ Ideas

Looking For The Perfect Headline For Dating Site? 200+ Ideas

25 Min Read

Your dating profile headline says a lot about you, your personality and by inference, the type of person you are looking for on the dating site. The perfect headline for dating site will get people hooked and draw them in to read your complete profile. And getting them curious about your dating bio is half the battle won.

Do you remember some of the headlines for profiles that you immediately liked, and maybe even shared with a friend? If you want to create a great first impression like that and get people to connect with you, check out our list of introduction headlines for dating sites.

Dating Profile Headlines To Attract Guys

The dating headlines for women need to be eye-catching if they are trying to get the attention of the guys they truly like. There are many ways to create an attractive headline that will do just that and in this article, we take a closer look at your many options — from personal headlines that describe you well to funny ones that act as a magnet for those with a similar sense of humor, and much more.

Mega personal headlines

A good headline for dating sites should say something about you, either directly or indirectly, and can attract the kind of guys you like. A mega personal headline does just that, saying something bold about your personality. It makes your dating profile bio stand out in the crowd, which is the best way to get that coveted swipe. Check out these headlines for profiles that wish to lead with honesty:

  1. Looking for the right companion to travel with every weekend
  2. Travel, food, and good company are great turn-ons
  3. Always on the lookout for a new investment idea. Are you one?
  4. Super political with a quirky sense of humor. Do we match?
  5. Ping me if you think a good playlist solves any problem
  6. Outgoing and easygoing type. And always ready to organize a protest
  7. An exotic pet owner looking for an animal lover
  8. I am a disco queen looking to party, and then coming back home with you
  9. Waiting for the guy who understands romance to sweep me off my feet
  10. Looking for the kind of guy who understands Stephen Hawking
  11. An ambitious, driven personality who enjoys a good laugh
  12. My prince charming must be a dog lover and emotionally available
  13. A cutie who makes the most delicious paella would like to have you over for dinner
  14. Over a decade spent mastering the rat race and now I’m ready to party
  15. I would make an attractive headline to any guy’s life story, as long as he is polyamorous too
  16. Three things about me that I haven’t ever told anyone …
  17. A smart connection with a guy would be a welcome change
  18. Want to know how to make a million dollars quickly? Let’s find out together
  19. Starting life from scratch. I am an open book waiting to be written
  20. I solemnly swear to make your life infinitely more interesting!

Funny headlines for dating sites

Many successful dating headlines use humor as a hook. Funny headlines for dating sites can attract people with a similar sense of humor. Witty, cheesy, or just cracked up, it doesn’t matter. People enjoy reading funny headlines on dating bios anyway. So, in pursuit of the perfect date, here are a few top dating headlines for you to choose from:

  1. History is full of important first dates. Would you like to go on one?
  2. Trying too hard not to be funny
  3. I operate on a 15-day free trial basis with no refunds for bores
  4. Scan the QR code to see if we are on the same wavelength
  5. The movie of my life needs a good co-director
  6. I’m self-employed because I am unemployable
  7. I consider chess an appropriate game for a first date
  8. I’d be an astronomer if it weren’t for my myopia
  9. Good girls go to heaven. I go everywhere
  10. I am the 167,318,972th most interesting person on the planet
  11. I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested
  12. Strong with you the force is, contact me you must
  13. What’s better than good food, good wine, and good company?
  14. As bad girls go, I’m bad at everything
  15. Normal is boring. I’m here to overshare
  16. The last time I was somebody’s type was at the blood bank
  17. I’m a foodie looking for a like-stomached partner
  18. Looking for a guy to match wits with
  19. Guys, this one is not for the faint-hearted!
  20. Humor loves company. So do I — This one’s a great introduction headline for dating sites

Great headlines to catch a guy’s attention

Clever headlines to attract attention

Now you know. Writing an introduction title for a dating site with a clever play on words can be very effective for online dating sites. Luckily, a clever headline to attract attention can be created with just a few words. So let’s give something to your potential dates to engage with and increase the number of matches you get on dating apps through these top dating headlines:

  1. I’m just a cupcake looking for a stud muffin
  2. Fitness instructor by day, karaoke singer by night
  3. For our first date, let’s ‘weed out’ my garden
  4. I will either bore you to death or radicalize you completely
  5. Our pheromones have to match if this is going to work
  6. You have competition. I love nothing more than my kids and pets
  7. Eat, Pray, Love, and Travel
  8. I do believe that laughter is the best medicine. The other meds I’m on don’t taste as good
  9. My software is written in love language 3.0
  10. I’m the type of gal who not only wants her cake, but will eat it too
  11. If you can acknowledge that I am always right, then we will get along just fine
  12. A terrific Italian cook looking for the right meat to add to the pasta
  13. My Prince Charming should believe in fairy tales and BDSM
  14. Looking for a Harry Potter reference in your title for dating profile
  15. The perfect woman doesn’t exist, but I come pretty darned close!
  16. I need a co-star who can share the limelight equally
  17. I’m a bad girl looking to spoil a good boy
  18. My life’s rear-view mirror has fogged up so I’m watching the road ahead
  19. I’m the kind of gal your mommy warned you about
  20. I bake therefore I am — Perfect headlines for profiles can be as simple and short as this

Catchy singles headlines

A friend once said to me that all she wants are examples of cool dating profile headlines. She said, “I’ve figured out the rest. The photos, the answers to the questions, the song choice. But are there any dating headlines for women that are fun yet honest?” I get it. If you, too, want to grab someone’s eye but haven’t found a good match in any of the catchy singles headlines above, don’t worry. To date online successfully, we have some more interesting dating profile headlines, curated just for you:

  1. Be nice to me and enjoy the ride of a lifetime!
  2. That Long Island Iced Tea is my favorite drink should tell you a lot about me
  3. If you can think of an Alice Walker quote without having to Google, we might just get along
  4. Looking for a true love story minus the heartbreak
  5. Would love to be your gaming buddy
  6. A partner that tells me like it is, that’s what I want
  7. DM only if you are a member of the Bad Boy’s Club
  8. Long drives and soulful conversations are what make my world go round
  9. Dating experts would probably warn you to stay away from me
  10. Watching basketball games and trying escape rooms are two of my favorite things
  11. I could teach you all the naughty things they didn’t teach you in school
  12. If you love anime characters more than your friends sometimes, we are meant to be together
  13. Looking for a guy who doesn’t smell like teen spirit
  14. Chemistry nerd looking for her perfect love equation
  15. You’ll never believe why I moved to Denver
  16. I would love to go on a fishing trip on our first date
  17. Chivalry without sexism, where art thou?
  18. A real-life love story with a difference, just waiting to happen
  19. Full-time traveler, part-time dreamer
  20. I prefer men who enjoy challenges rather than mind games

Hilarious dating headlines

Did you find any interesting dating profile headlines yet? Are you looking to attract someone who gets your humor? Hilarious dating headlines do get a lot of responses, so we have a bunch of options for you. The style could be over the top or understated as per your preference. Here are the best titles for dating profiles:

  1. Let’s start with one of the cheesiest headline examples for dating profiles: This pizza enthusiast is looking for a cheesy partner
  2. Wine lover with a dry wit
  3. I’m a sushi lover missing my soy mate
  4. Tech geek seeking a connection stronger than my Wi-Fi
  5. Cat person in a world full of dog videos
  6. Yoga enthusiast looking for a downward dog partner
  7. I put the fun in dysfunctional
  8. This girl is fluent in three languages — Spanish, English, and awkward emojis
  9. Short, sweet, and full of bad puns
  10. Swipe right if you can handle my daily mix of caffeine and sarcasm
  11. Not looking for a one-night stand, but I am looking for someone to stand next to my fridge with the door open
  12. Currently starring in my own romantic comedy. Plot twist — Haven’t found a date yet!
  13. Swipe right and together we can conquer the world, one bad joke at a time
  14. Looking for a badass. You bring the bad, I have the ass
  15. If you don’t like my kissing, I’m open for refunds
  16. President of the People Who Hate Online Dating Club
  17. Feel free to add me to your to-do list
  18. I’m looking for someone to reach the top shelf
  19. Let’s get fries and judge people together
  20. I give great messages

Headlines For Dating Site For Guys

If you’re a guy trying to impress women on a dating site, your headline needs to be punchy enough to make you stand out in the crowd. You can use personalized humor and catchy language to get your potential partner’s attention. We have a collection of cool dating profile headlines that will set you apart from the rest.

good headlines for dating sites
Great headlines to impress a girl on a dating site

Mega personal headlines

Guys, here’s a list of mega-personal headlines that you can customize according to your personality. Any of these will work very well as an introduction title for dating site. It will tell interested women more about you and the type of partner you are looking for.

  1. I can recite the entire script of my favorite movie, but still figuring out the plot of my own life
  2. One-liner champion seeking a worthy opponent in the battle of wordplay
  3. Working toward a life filled with laughter, love, and the perfect cup of Joe
  4. Minimalist and zen in everything except my vinyl collection
  5. Wild nights for me involve a _____
  6. If you think my dog is as adorable as I do, let’s talk
  7. I’m the sort of person who embraces imperfections — both in myself and my mismatched socks
  8. 9/10 if you can make me laugh. 10/10 if you can appreciate my cooking
  9. Even though I may not have it all figured out, I’m enjoying every moment of the journey
  10. I was social distancing long before the pandemic
  11. My life motto remains — More authenticity, less drama
  12. If laughter is the best medicine, may I interest you in some well-timed one-liners?
  13. We could work well together as long as I am the boss … sometimes!
  14. Firm believer in random acts of kindness and second chances
  15. Come celebrate life’s small victories with me
  16. If you enjoy karaoke and conversations, let’s talk
  17. I can quote Seinfeld episodes and Shakespeare plays. Can you keep up?
  18. Quality over quantity in everything — from friendships to chocolates
  19. Join me for the next chapter as I write the autobiography of my life
  20. Lover of the little things. If popping bubble wrap and catching the perfect sunset makes you happy, you may be the perfect match for me — Ah, this is one of the best headlines for dating sites!

Funny headlines for dating sites

Ever read a news article purely because of a funny headline? In the case of virtual dating, an introduction title for a dating site works in a similar manner, drawing the reader in. The humor has an added benefit since it acts as a filter — only those who get your quirky side will be interested enough to read the complete bio.

  1. Attention and affection are two things I am really good at dishing out
  2. I’m a guy who understands romance from a non-movie perspective too
  3. Math nerd looking for someone to add to the equation
  4. It is true that blondes have more fun … I should know
  5. Tall, dark, and handsome with a big budget
  6. Drama queens, please move along
  7. I have the patience to wait while you shop
  8. I prefer watching sunsets to Netflix
  9. I’m the fun-loving and interesting guy your mom never warned you about
  10. I’m kinda like Spiderman — a nerdy guy with a secret life
  11. An intrepid adventurer: Join me in the quest for love if that’s what you are looking for in a relationship too
  12. If six packs are your thing, then I’m your guy
  13. To text or to call, that is the question
  14. Willing to work for cuddles
  15. I’m willing to lie about how we met
  16. My potential partner has to be on my wavelength
  17. Looking for my partner in crime, laughter, and love
  18. If I drove an Aston Martin, why would I be here?
  19. Calling all movie buffs. Send me your favorite movie quote
  20. I run on sarcasm

Infographic on what not to put into your dating profile headline
Do not put these into your dating profile headline

Clever headlines to attract attention

Looking for a really clever title for a dating profile? It’s true that successful dating headlines will attract potential matches to your profile, but the rest is up to you. All we can help you get is a head start, so let’s pick a clever headline to attract attention … and some love? If that doesn’t get them, then they are probably not on your wavelength anyway.

  1. A He-Man, the master of my own universe
  2. Looking to enhance my dating experience, one meaningful connection at a time
  3. Experienced cuddle buddy who can make you laugh
  4. A hopeless romantic looking to write his own fairytale
  5. Expert gamer, but only in cyberspace
  6. A bad boy who would love to spoil you
  7. My apartment smells of teen spirit and books on revolution
  8. Let us leave singledom behind
  9. A cardiologist looking to find his way into your heart
  10. My hobbies include stargazing, binge-watching Netflix, and deep, meaningful conversations
  11. Expert rock climber — Will you join me at the peak?
  12. The perfect woman for me would match me crazy for crazy
  13. If you like K-pop and anime, then take a chance on me
  14. A blues lover would be the perfect match for me
  15. Jazz and blues … these are the beats of my existence
  16. I’m as single as a dollar bill
  17. Will cook breakfast for you in bed
  18. Looking for a queen to oversee my empire
  19. I am in this only for the good times
  20. Wicked but harmless is how I’d describe my sense of humor

Catchy singles headlines

Good headlines for dating sites will usually use humor or fun phrases to stand out. After all, no one ever fell asleep laughing. A catchy singles headline can stick in someone’s mind and will bring a smile to the lips of any potential match. Here are some dating profile headlines to make you smile:

  1. Let’s do nerdy stuff together
  2. What is the craziest thing you’ve done? We both know it’s not me, yet.
  3. My superpower would be _________
  4. Extrovert-seeking introvert
  5. Gently used single dad
  6. “Love is friendship on fire” — Susan Sontag
  7. Truth or dare
  8. I’ll be the beast to your beauty
  9. 6’3″ and brainy too
  10. Swipe right if you accept the terms and conditions
  11. Heaven sounds terribly boring. Let’s go to hell
  12. Seeking a cuddle buddy
  13. I look good in husband material
  14. Will you help me return the ring to Mordor?
  15. For the perfect date, add a dash of me
  16. Humor – check. Money – check. Good looks – check. Your swipe right – TBA
  17. I’m looking for the Pam to my Jim
  18. Are you brave enough to Super Like me?
  19. If you are ready to handle me at my worst (jetlag), then you deserve my best (morning cuddles)
  20. Match me if you can

Stories about online dating

Hilarious dating headlines

A hilarious dating headline is a witty headline that makes someone laugh and is almost always guaranteed to get someone to read your profile. Those without a sense of humor will be left cold, but maybe that’s for the best. We are here with the best headlines for dating sites guaranteed to crack ‘em up:

  1. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Yoda I am. Go out with me, will you?
  2. I wouldn’t have come this far in life without Selena. She’s my cat
  3. I’d rather be a Han Solo than a Luke Skywalker
  4. “Try dating sites you must or end up like me you will” — Yoda
  5. As an engineer, I prefer doing it with tools
  6. If the shoe fits, will you be my Tinderella?
  7. I’m the guy who remembers all kinds of anniversaries
  8. Back by popular demand
  9. Optimus Fine
  10. Bingo! You just found your one-in-a-million
  11. I’m single and ready to get awkward with someone I find attractive
  12. Seeking a partner in crime. Must have your own shovel
  13. Looking for my plus one for all the weddings I am invited to
  14. Coffee in the streets. Champagne in the sheets
  15. I’m not a photographer but I can see you and me together
  16. I unashamedly use pics of my dogs to send apologies
  17. Currently working on my dad bod
  18. Caution: My dance moves can cause secondhand embarrassment
  19. Just here till I win the lottery

Will you be the reason I delete this app? — The perfect profile headline sample to conclude this article
Always remember, a headline for dating site needs to create an impact. It should catch the user’s attention, making them pause their scrolling to investigate your profile. Also, the best headlines for dating sites are easily readable, making you interesting and approachable enough for a swipe right.


1. How long are dating profile headlines?

Good headlines for dating sites should not be longer than one to two short sentences. Anything longer risks your potential match losing interest. There are many examples in this article of profile headline samples that work successfully.

2. What to include in your headline?

An attractive headline should leverage the power of words to showcase your personality and dating intention. It should make you stand out in the crowd and entice your potential partner to investigate further. Creating a witty headline which displays your humorous side will go a long way in achieving that.

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