Signs An Aquarius Man Is Falling For You

Signs An Aquarius Man Is Falling For You

15 Min Read

Are you looking for signs that an Aquarius man is falling for you? 

Perhaps you are feeling confused with his signals and you’d like him to just say it out loud? 

I don’t blame you as an Aquarius man can be quite confusing. Keep in mind that you’re dealing with a highly emotionally intelligent man who’s shy but flirtatious at the same time.

To make things easier for you, we will walk you through the signs that an Aquarius man is falling for you. 

Let’s dive into this together and find out how to tell when an Aquarius man has a crush on you.

7 Powerful signs an Aquarius man is falling for you

1. He likes to spend time with you

A powerful sign that an Aquarius man is falling for you, is that he devotes time for you. Aquarius guys enjoy spending quality time with their favourite people.

This shows that he really wants to get to know you as a person, especially before he decides to start anything serious with you. You need to give an Aquarius man some time to be committed, as he doesn’t want to jump into a relationship and regret it later. 

When an aquarius man has a crush on you, he’s the type of guy who’ll shift all of his focus onto you. And he won’t stop until he gets you. 

So if you notice that your Aquarius man has been asking you to meet more often, he clearly is into you and wants to get to know you better. 

2. He texts you regularly throughout the day

An Aquarius man enjoys his space and spending time alone. So bombarding him with messages is not ideal. 

However, if he texts you regularly throughout the day, it’s an indicative sign that he’s interested in you. This shows that he is curious about what you’re doing, and how your day is going. So obviously you are in his thoughts…

If he texts you a sweet and romantic message to say good night and good morning, I wouldn’t be surprised that you were in his dreams too! Or, it could be that you were dreaming about him and he was thinking of you which shows that you have such a strong connection!

He’ll also try to tease you in his texts but in a very subtle way. For example, he might write ‘miss you’ at the end of a text message just to see your reaction. You might be wondering “what does it mean when a guy says he misses you?”  

Well if it’s an Aquarius man, it’s surely a sign that he is falling for you!

3. He’s opening up to you 

Another powerful sign that an Aquarius man is falling for you is by being more open with his emotions and his personal life. 

Aquarius guys are usually not that open about their emotions since they connect with their environment through their intellect. 

By expressing his emotions and sharing stories about his work, family and past relationships, he is showing you that he trusts you and feels safe opening up to you. 

At this point, it’s important that you make yourself available for him and listen to him. You need to show him that you want to build a deeper emotional connection. But at the same time, since an Aquarius likes his space, it’s good to make him miss you a bit. 

Be present and listen to his stories, show him that you care, but don’t make yourself too available. What an Aquarius man needs in a woman is a loving kind personality, while knowing that she is confident and independent. 

4. He truly listens to you

When an Aquarius man has a crush on you, he makes it a point that he listens to your stories, concerns, and needs. So if your Aquarius man truly pays attention when you’re speaking, it’s a clear sign he is falling for you.

Active listening is not a skill that comes naturally to everyone. So whatever you’ve been doing to attract an Aquarius man is surely working!

By opening up to him and trusting him with personal life stories, you are showing your guy that you trust him. An Aquarius man will appreciate that you value a deep emotional connection. Trust and emotional connection is a good foundation to build a healthy relationship together. 

5. He makes a lot of eye contact

This is a BIG one! If your guy likes to make a lot of eye contact, it’s almost a guaranteed sign that an Aquarius man is falling for you. 

At first, he will probably be a bit shy, so don’t get alarmed if he tries to avoid eye contact. This is a way of protecting his emotions to make sure that he does not expose them too early. But when an Aquarius man has a crush on you, his body language eventually gives him away.

After a while, you’ll start catching him staring into your eyes. This is the perfect timing to play your best cards to make an Aquarius man addicted to you. If you keep catching him staring at you, it’s a sign that he’s falling for you hard. 

At this stage, it’s a good idea to start being a bit more flirty with him. He’s showing you that he wants to take it a step further, so you need to show him that you like him too by reacting positively. 

Being a bit more playful and keeping eye contact during a conversation is a good way to make him want you more. Continue by giggling at his jokes, look into his eyes and rest assured that you’ll keep your Aquarius man hooked on you!

6. Connecting on an intellectual level

One of the most important things that an Aquarius man needs in a woman, is the ability to have a stimulating conversation. To make an Aquarius man addicted to you, you need more than just physical chemistry. 

A definitive sign that an Aquarius man is falling for you is by having long conversations together about things that matter to him. Aquarius guys are deep thinkers and like to think of solutions and possibilities. They like to contemplate life and try to find a deeper meaning behind everything. 

He needs to connect with a potential partner on an intellectual level. So if you want to know how to attract an Aquarius man, a stimulating conversation is surely the way to go. 

If your Aquarius man enjoys spending time chatting with you instead of watching a movie together, it’s a good sign that he’s connecting with you on an intellectual level. Don’t get scared if you see him pull away after getting close. Aquarius men pull away after getting close because they are scared of fully exposing their emotions. 

Just give him some space and time as this simply means that he wants to know whether you’re a good match. 

7. He goes out of his way to fulfill your needs

Getting an Aquarius man to chase you and fulfill your needs is quite a challenge. So when a guy starts going out of his way to make you happy and attend to your needs, it’s a huge sign that your Aquarius man has a crush on you.

It’s nice to be taken care of and looked after, and reciprocating this kind of behavior is a good way to keep an aquarius man hooked. You don’t want to make him feel like you’re taking advantage of him. 

When an Aquarius man goes out of his way to fulfill your needs, it’s a way of expressing his emotions and showing that he cares about you. 

Being kind and nurturing yourself is a good way to attract an Aquarius man and will strengthen the bond between you two. 

How to attract an AquariusAquarius man

So we have listed down the signs to tell that an Aquarius man is falling for you. But we wanted to also give you a few tips on how to attract an Aquarius man since they are so sophisticated!

  • Be confident, but humble at the same time. Aquarius men don’t like self-absorbed women. 
  • Be classy, ethical, and driven. An Aquarius guy appreciates a woman who is sophisticated like him and highly knowledgeable. 
  • Be emotionally stable. Aquarius guys connect through their intellect before their emotions. If you overwhelm an Aquarius with your emotions, he might run away. 
  • Be mysterious. Keeping him guessing and on edge is a good way to attract an Aquarius man as they surely enjoy a mystery. 
  • Be independent. Remember that Aquarius guys are independent and need to spend time by themselves to recharge. Knowing that you can give them space and that you have your own life will make it easier for them to fall for you. 

If you want to attract an Aquarius man, keep these tips in mind and rest assured that you’ll have him hooked on you in no time!

How to get an Aquarius man to chase you

Getting an Aquarius man to chase you can be challenging. You must be thinking how you can make him lure him in naturally, and in a playful way. 

Of course you don’t want things to be obvious and feel forced. If you follow these effective steps, you will surely get the spark going and capture his attention:

Steps to get an Aquarius man to chase you:

1. Show that you find him intelligent and interested

2. Don’t throw yourself at him and be too easy

3. Come up with exciting and interesting topics to discuss

6. Be creative and mysterious

7. Be playful by teasing him 

These steps will surely get an Aquarius man to chase you. You will leave him missing your presence and wanting to spend more time with you. 

Learn more about how to make an Aquarius man miss you in this article.

What an Aquarius man needs in a woman

Aquarius men are complex, independent and quite mysterious. They won’t settle down with just any woman so you need to stand out to capture his attention. 

Let’s have a look at the following qualities that an Aquarius man looks for in a woman:

  • a woman who knows how to take care of herself
  • a smart woman who enjoys having deep conversations
  • self-confident and independent
  • driven and motivated
  • kind and nurturing

How to keep an Aquarius man hooked

If you’re seeing some of the signs we mentioned, well done! You should feel confident that your Aquarius man is falling for you! This means that you have a good shot of going to the next phase in the relationship. It’s not like you have a crush, and got stuck on someone you never dated. 

But it’s understandable that you feel confused and unsure about your guys’ signals. Aquarius men are quite complex and hard to read…

So now you must be wondering “how to keep an Aquarius man hooked?” The answer is simple. All you need to do is understand what an Aquarius man needs in a woman.

Aquarius guys like a strong independent woman, smart, and with a kind loving heart. Don’t overdo it and try to impress him too much. Sometimes less is more, especially with a humble Aquarius. 

By finding the right balance, you will surely make your Aquarius man addicted to you.


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